PBY - Dead Pony release new single ‘Everything Is Easy’ and chat to Post Brexit Youth


Dead Pony share new single ‘Everything Is Easy’, a riotous tale about the sourness of childhood feelings when the mysteriousness of youth evaporates. Hailing from Glasgow, the band are the latest act to grace the city’s thriving music scene, which has been providing exciting lessons in aesthetics and arts. Dead Pony’s Anna Shields chats to Post Brexit Youth about the influence of their hometown and realising that Santa wasn’t real.

Post Brexit Youth: Coming from Glasgow, do you feel part of a scene? Do you think that the city played a role in shaping your music and identity?

Anna Shields: Yes, absolutely. Glasgow as a city has a diverse, vibrant and inclusive music scene and Glaswegians are extremely welcoming and warm people. I think that naturally we have been moulded not only by our surroundings but with the incredible friends, musicians, and producers that we surround ourselves with. I think that having a tight and well connected music scene has definitely allowed us to evolve as a band and as people. We definitely feel inspired by our peers within this scene. 


PBY: In your latest single, you face the inner dilemma of growing older. Do you feel let down by your childhood expectations, or is it more if a nihilistic realisation?

AS: The song is quite light-hearted and tongue-in-cheek. It’s about the silly things you believed as a child but grew up to realise that they weren't real at all. In some ways it is about feeling let down by adult life when all of the mystery and wonder of youth evaporates. However, it's also a reflection on how naive we were when we were children. I don't personally feel too betrayed by life but I do remember that feeling I felt, when I was 12, realising that Santa wasn’t real, so I tried to convey that feeling in the song. One thing I love about music is that often lyrics aren't always ‘one size fits all’ in terms of interpretation and the song can be understood from many different points of view and angles.

PBY: You present yourself as a duo, but you have a four-piece line-up. How did you get together and how does the male-female interaction define the dynamic of the band? 

AS: The band got together a couple of years ago when Blair and I started writing music together and since then Liam Adams [bass] and Aidan McAllister [drums] have joined us. We're not defined at all by a male-female interaction. I don't see how our gender could define the way we gel together. Regardless, we're all really close friends having a lot of fun together. I think this is apparent when you listen to our music and see us play live.

Dead Pony new single ‘Everything Is Easy’ is out now via LAB Records.


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